UCR 095: Correct Coding - Cystectomy, with continent diversion, bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, and prostatectomy; AUA Annual Meeting May 2022

May 6, 2022

Mark, Scott, and Ray discuss a question about a scenario regarding coding the most comprehensive code:

Scenario 6 module 9, Cystectomy, with continent diversion, bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy and prostatectomy. I captured both 55845 and 51596 and I also looked at the possibility of 51575 (Cystectomy with bilat lymphadenectomy, 50825 continent diversion including intestine anastomosis, and 55840 proctectomy. Do I not choose the 50825 (along with other codes) because of the intestine anastomosis? I tend to overthink px coding, am I over coding or under coding? What would y'all suggest to help, when I get lost in the "forest"? :) Thank you, Rhonda

Mark, Scott, and Ray talk about past AUA Annual Meetings and look forward to the upcoming meeting in May 2022.

 NEW ONLINE WORKSHOP - Urologists’ Coding Workshop

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  • Dr. John Lin
  • Mark Painter
  • Scott Painter

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