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UCR 181: FAQs - Hospital E/M Codes, Ureteroneocystostomy coding, and Pelvis Exam Clarification

February 2, 2024

Ray, Mark, and Scott answer and discuss the following questions:

  1. The seminar this past week was great. I have one question that I asked during the seminar but still not sure of the correct answer. For an initial hospital consultation, I have been using 99223 and generally 99232 for follow up visits. Is this correct.
  2. Seeking clarification for the best way to code:

    Ureteroneocystostomy; anastomosis of single ureter to bladder with vesico-psoas hitch

    --Robotic approach

    is it an unlisted code or 50948? Thank you in advance :)

  3. I've received several questions recently on whether or not certain procedures can be performed in office by an APP alone (51720, 95972, Eligard/Firmagon injections etc.). Most codes as long as they are not surgical can be performed by an APP since they are a qualified healthcare provider, correct? Not sure where I can find info on this. I did check state statutes but found nothing specific about which procedures. Thanks!
  4. If a patient comes in for routine SPT change or lupron injection, and provider states return in a week or month for next change or injection, is that enough for a modifier -25 to billed?
  5. For the 99459 we have a gynurologist she does pelvic exams on almost all her patients unsupervised can we still add this code to her visits? Thank you


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